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Here at Quiet Meadows Ranch, we strive to bring you quality Thoroughbreds trained and bred to race. The horses are trained and cared for by trained professionals including the owner of the ranch, Cheyenne Cavender and her husband Roger Aldrich, who also works as the jockey.  It was once the home of Long View's famous ranch nearly a century ago. When the Depression hit, the ranch was deserted and all but forgotten. The ranch is located in a valley at the bottom of the mountains in the old town of Long View. With its great view and plenty of surrounding fields, the ranch is ideal for any horse. Now rebuilt and updated, Cheyenne hopes to regain the respect that the ranch once had by breeding a line of champion racehorses with elegance, poise and speed.

In addition to Thoroughbreds, Cheyenne has also taken it upon herself to help increase the numbers of wild Mustangs on Painted Island. For an unknown reason, the number of wild Mustangs is dwindling. Cheyenne has built a stable on the island to house Mustangs before they are released to join the wild herds. See more information on our Mustangs page.


She has also added a line of Bull Terriers to the ranch. This breed has recently been looked down on, along with many of the other "bully" breeds, as vicious. She is determined to change this and has acquired a few that are full of energy and live life to its fullest. Cheyenne knows that with their unique look and loving nature, a Bull Terrier will melt anyone's heart.

Cheyenne Cavender

Roger Aldrich

Chuck Lang

Maryanne Crum

Dr. Rowley

Glen Rees

Kiki Potter

For more details on our staff members, please click Here

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